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How to optimize (improve) your website and blog so as to optimize your traffic rate and optimize your advert (Ads) ROI. Google Adwords, Facebook Advert E.T.C.

Now are days, one of the easiest and fastest ways to get traffic to your blog or website is via running online ads, it could be facebook adverts, Google’s adwords, bing adverts, yahoo adverts, twitter ads, Youtube ads, E.T.C. Online Adverts are not only for traffic purposes, it could also be used to create online impression or awareness to make people know that your blog or site exist, to make people
know about services you offer and the likes, and it could also be for conversions such as making people sign up on your site, subscriber for your newsletter, download a file, purchase an item , donate to you or your non-profit organization (NGOs) giving you a better Return On Investment (ROI).

Online ads could be in different form such as Text ads, video ads, and image ads. One of the benefits of online advert is that you can set everything to your taste, E.g. Google adwords enables you to be able to select your preferred location, devices (mobile, pc, tablets) keywords, etc. where your ads would be displayed. Facebook ads allows you to select your preferred age, location and people to be targeted.

Things you should do to improve your website so as to have a better ROI.
    1.    Improve your landing page: Your landing page could be your homepage (E.g is my homepage) your landing page could also be the page to the item want people to purchase from or download from, or a post you want people to read. Just see your landing page as your physical store, if the shop doesn’t look good you might not get much customers. So it is online too, if your landing page is ugly some people won’t even spend a second on the page before they close it down.

2Speed: The speed your site uses to load determines if they will wait to read down to the end. If your landing page is taking long to load just forget it, I will close that page and most people will do the same thing no matter how attractive the ad is. If your speed rate is long, your quality score will be low which is bad. To check the speed of your site you could use google speed checker tool ( Https:// ) it doesn’t only tell your speed rate, but it also makes you know things you should fix.

3 Navigation: Your site should have an easy navigation system for the users, to enable them surf your site better. 

4   Minimize your image size: If your image size is smaller, it enables the page load faster than when they are large. You can use softwares like PAINT, PHOTOSHOP, PICASA, PHOTOSCAPE, PICSART, E.T.C. to reduce the size of your image. Saving your images as png or gif file also makes it compressed thereby reducing the price but keeping the image quality. 

5 . Clean up Unnecessary Widgets and code: You visit some people’s site and all you see is a dumping ground of useless widgets and codes that aren’t needed. This widgets and code make the loading speed slow. Cleaning up your widgets and codes will also help in optimizing your site. 

6   Do not load unnecessary content: Contents like side banners and excess ads which are not needed also slows down your pages loading time, cleaning them up will also help your site. 

     7   Use caching: If you have a forum or sites that record user’s information, it’s advisable you use caching as it makes access to the site faster. There are different types of caching we have some that last for 2weeks, a month, and even a year depending on your choice.  
How to optimize (improve) your website and blog so as to optimize your traffic rate and optimize your advert (Ads) ROI. Google Adwords, Facebook Advert E.T.C. How to optimize (improve) your website and blog so as to optimize your traffic rate and optimize your advert (Ads) ROI. Google Adwords, Facebook Advert E.T.C. Reviewed by Femi on 5:37 am Rating: 5

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